Sunday, October 26, 2008


For my 5th PLN i read "It's the Parents' Fault. Not." by Will Richardson. He talks about how children on websites such as Myspace and Facebook don't really know what they are doing, and how educators aren't doing much to teach students about Internet safety and such things as the Riot Act. I connect to this because I for one, have been called to the office and read the Riot Act (not for anything bad) and use both websites to catch up with my friends. I know a lot of people that use the sites also. I do think that it's important that students know what is right and what is wrong when it comes down to the Internet. I agree that the school's should have something as like an assembly about websites and the Internet. Also, I think that Will Richardson's idea to start teaching children at a young age, with parent involvement would help keep children about of the princepals office for behaving badly on their facebook. I also think that the thing with teaching children at a young age is especially important because with all the new technology coming out with toys and websites for kids ranging from as young as 2 and up that they will want to be on the computer all the time. So they're bound to come across sites that they shouldn't be accessing. That's why parental blocks are a necessity for younger kids. It's up to parents and educators to educate children about the things they don't know. Internet as one of those things.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


For my forth PLN, i read "Life 'Round Here" in David Warlick's 2 Cents Worth. Life 'Round Here. The project is where kids, ages 10-13, make a video presentation about thier life where they live. Kids all over the world submit theirs presentations. This is pretty extoridary because if you watch the videos, you not only get a sense of what is in the place, but of who lives their and what they are like. I watched some of the videos and they were pretty good. Kids created these videos. They told you about their home life and what they do. i learned some things and found some countrys i want to visit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The Did You Know? video showed a lot of things that you normally wouldn't think about. I find it kind of sad how many things are going on in our world. We spend too much time on the little things when we should be spending time on big things in our economy. Like the war, and congress. Everything that really affects when something goes wrong. We should spend time trying to fix ourselves before we start perfecting all our little details.


For my third PLN I read 2 Cents Worth “If it’s Not About Technology, Then what is It About?”. While reading I realized that we do use technology to do our learning a lot more then we should. Students refer to the internet rather than books. It may be quicker than going to a book store or library and finding the book, but if you do, you know that they information is right because there’s a lot on the internet and it’s not all true. But with technology, I would say that it is about our students, their today’s and their tomorrows. Students learn with technology. And then with what students learn, they put it to work. Making even more technology.